Kylii Quest ®
The interactive treasure hunt is on !

What if you could create a giant and interactive treasure hunt in your city or in your indoor play area ? What about a digital treasure hunt  both digital and physical games for all ages really easy to install ? We’ve created it with the Kylii Quest Challenge !

The Kylii Quest Challenge is a next-generation interactive treasure hunt that makes children and families happy to move and walk around!

Depending on the play mode chosen, you can make interactive playgrounds in indoor and leisure parks. Or organise interactive team games (birthdays, seminars, sports tournaments, summer camps, etc.). Or even, create playful itineraries (visiting a city, a museum, a cultural place, campsites….)

So, ready, steady, GO !

A digital and multi-purpose treasure hunt !

You can use the digital treasure hunts to animate a leisure park daily, to create a giant quest game in your city around a mystery word or even to organise birthdays or team buildings…

Thanks to a wide range of themes (Christmas, carnival, egg hunt…) and game modes for different uses (daily or special events), the digital treasure hunt can be configured to match your needs!

Make your choice and let’s play to the interactive treasure hunt!

Who can use digital treasure hunts?

Designed to be portable and multi-purpose, the digital treasure hunt is designed for leisure and sports professionals as well as those in the tourism, events and cultural sectors.

digital treasure hunt indoor play area

Indoor leisure parks

Chasse au trésor digitale centre commercial hypermarché

Family Entertainment Center

chasse au trésor digital mairies ville et collectivités

Town halls & Institutions

chasse au trésor digitale musée exposition culture

Museum & Cultural sites

Chasse au trésor digitale événementielle

Marketing & Special events

Chasse au trésor digitale camping village vacances

Campsite & Holiday villages

How the digital treasure hunt works ?

You want to digitize an existing structure permanently ? Or to organize a cultural or sporting event ? It’s easy : 


Included in their entrance fee or distributed in a welcome area.

Game boxes

On battery, the boxes are easy to install on existing structures (poles, playgrounds…) or by fixing them on the walls.

Game terminal

To follow ranking or validate and finish the quest but also to administrate the game (game mode, thematics, number of boxes).

Play, move, run, jump!

Interactive goes hand in hand with being active !

At Kylii Kids, we create and develop digital game solutions where children are fully and physically involved in their experience.

According to several studies published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, scientists have evaluated the positive impact of active video games on children and adolescents.

By increasing motivation and pleasure, interactive games would promote more regular sports practice.

 Play, move, run, jump!

Our clients

They installed a digital treasure hunt to gamify their structure :

  •  Dock 13
    In each container, there are boxes to be beeped with RFID bracelets... The interactive treasure hunt comes into its own on this round-the-world tour!
  •  Gulli Parc
    Gulli Parc has opted for the interactive treasure hunt to bring digital content and challenge to its playground.
  •  O'minüs
    To combine interactive games with sporting activities, O'minüs has chosen the Kylii Quest challenge, a new-generation interactive treasure hunt that gets kids moving!
  •  Hidden Treasure Down Syndrome Association
    The association has opted for a range of products, including treasure hunts, augmented reality, tactile tables and interactive floors.
  •  little Explorers Dubaï
    The Little Explorers play park in Dubai has chosen a treasure hunt to entertain its children.
  •  Rock Up
    Rock Up has chosen the treasure hunt to gamify the climbing experience.
  •  wonderlamp
    Le Parc de jeux Wonderlamp decide d'ameliorer l'experience pour les enfants avec la chasse au tresor interactif.

In each container, there are boxes to be beeped with RFID bracelets... The interactive treasure hunt comes into its own on this round-the-world tour!

Gulli Parc has opted for the interactive treasure hunt to bring digital content and challenge to its playground.

To combine interactive games with sporting activities, O'minüs has chosen the Kylii Quest challenge, a new-generation interactive treasure hunt that gets kids moving!

The association has opted for a range of products, including treasure hunts, augmented reality, tactile tables and interactive floors.

The Little Explorers play park in Dubai has chosen a treasure hunt to entertain its children.

Rock Up has chosen the treasure hunt to gamify the climbing experience.

Le Parc de jeux Wonderlamp decide d'ameliorer l'experience pour les enfants avec la chasse au tresor interactif.
  •  Dock 13
  •  Gulli Parc
  •  O'minüs
  •  Hidden Treasure Down Syndrome Association
  •  little Explorers Dubaï
  •  Rock Up
  •  wonderlamp